Apple Vision Pro Vs Google Glass – A Comprehensive Comparison

In the rapidly evolving augmented reality (AR) and wearable technology industry, two giants stand out: Apple and Google.

The battle between Apple Vision Pro and Google Glass has captured the imagination of tech enthusiasts and early adopters alike.

In a world where innovation shapes the future, let’s dig into the features of these advanced smart glasses and uncover the nuances that set them apart.

Apple Vision Pro vs Google Glass – Features Comparison

FeatureApple Vision ProGoogle Glass Enterprise Edition 2
Micro OLED DisplaysTwo displays with 23 million pixels each, surpassing 4K TVHigh-resolution micro-display with a 46° field of view
Varifocal LensesDynamic adjustment for seamless viewing at different distancesFixed focal length with a clear and immersive viewing experience
Dual-Chip ArchitectureApple M2 chip for graphics, Apple R1 chip for sensor dataQualcomm Snapdragon XR1 chip for AR applications
Eye TrackingIntuitive selection and interaction without controllersHands-free operation with voice commands
Hand TrackingPrecise manipulation of virtual objectsTouchpad on the frame for additional control
Spatial AudioPersonalized audio adapting to head and ear geometryBone conduction audio for situational awareness
Audio Ray TracingRealistic and dynamic audio experienceBluetooth connectivity for private listening
3D CameraCapture spatial photos and videos with depth information8MP camera for enhanced documentation and communication
Passthrough ModeSeamless switch between AR environment and the real worldOn-head detection and eye-on-screen sensors conserve battery life
App EcosystemA Growing ecosystem for varied experiences and functionalitiesAccess to industry-specific apps for tasks like field service
Privacy and SecurityEmphasis on user privacy with anonymized data collectionSecure deployment and management with Android Enterprise MDM

9 Amazing Features of Apple Vision Pro

Apple is gearing up to launch its newest gadget, the Vision Pro, on February 2, 2024. Here are some cool features to look forward to:

1. Micro OLED Displays

Imagine having two super-clear screens in front of your eyes. They’re called micro OLED displays and they’re so detailed, with 23 million pixels each, that they make things look incredibly sharp and real.

It’s like having a mini 4K TV for each eye!

2. Varifocal Lenses

Get rid of needing different glasses for different tasks. With varifocal lenses, your Apple Vision Pro adjusts automatically to whatever you’re looking at.

No more switching between glasses for reading or distance – it’s all seamless now!

3. Dual-Chip Architecture

Inside your Apple Vision Pro are two powerful chips working together.

One chip handles all the graphics and makes sure everything looks amazing, while the other chip deals with figuring out where you are and what’s around you.

An Apple Vision Pro Headset. The background is pink yellowish.

Together, they make sure your glasses run smoothly, even when you’re doing lots of cool AR stuff.

4. Eye and Hand Tracking

Ever wish you could control things just by looking at them? With Apple Vision Pro, you can! It has eye-tracking technology that lets you select things just by looking, and you can even use hand gestures to interact more.

Speaking of gestures, your Apple Vision Pro can also track your hand movements.

This means you can move things around in the AR world just by using your hands, making everything feel more real and interactive.

5. Spatial Audio and Ray Tracing

Imagine a sound that feels like it’s all around you, adjusting to how you’re moving your head. That’s what spatial audio does with Apple Vision Pro – it makes everything sound more realistic like you’re there.

This fancy feature listens to the sounds around you and makes them sound even more real in your Apple Vision Pro. It’s like having a super-smart audio system built right into your glasses!

6. 3D Camera

Ever wanted to capture a moment and feel like you’re there when you look back at it?

With the 3D camera in your Apple Vision Pro, you can take photos and videos that keep all the depth and detail, so it’s almost like reliving the moment.

7. Passthrough Mode

Sometimes you need to switch between the AR world and the real world quickly.

With passthrough mode, you can do just that with a simple gesture, giving you more flexibility in how you use your glasses.

8. App Ecosystem

Just like your phone has apps for all sorts of things, your Apple Vision Pro has a growing collection of apps and games.

There’s something for everyone, whether you’re into gaming, productivity, or just having fun with AR.

9. Privacy and Security

Apple takes your privacy and security seriously. They ensure that any data collected is anonymous and that your personal information stays safe with secure authentication protocols.

You can trust that your Apple Vision Pro is looking out for you!

Apple Vision Pro Pros

  • Advanced features like varifocal lenses, eye tracking, hand tracking
  • Sleek design
  • Privacy focus
  • Growing app ecosystem

Apple Vision Pro Cons

  • High price
  • Limited availability
  • Unknown long-term support

Features of Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2

Google is a big name in tech, and their latest product, Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2, is worth checking out. Here’s what it offers:

1. High-Resolution Display

Imagine having a tiny but super clear screen right in front of your eyes.

The Glass Enterprise Edition 2 has just that, with a high-resolution display that shows text, images, and overlays clearly. It’s like having a mini TV screen just for you!

2. Processing Power

Inside your Google Glass is a special chip called Qualcomm Snapdragon XR1. This chip is like the brain of your glasses, specially made to handle all the cool AR stuff you can do.

It makes sure everything runs smoothly and quickly, even when you’re doing lots of things at once.

3. Voice Commands, Touchpad, and 8MP Camera

Want to control your Glass without using your hands? No problem! Just use your voice to tell it what to do. It’s like having your assistant right in your glasses!

A man wearing Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 and putting finger on the side of the Glass.

On the side of your Glass, there’s a touchpad. This lets you control and navigate your glasses easily, just like you would on a smartphone or tablet.

With an 8-megapixel camera built into your Glass, you can take really clear photos and videos of whatever you’re working on. It’s perfect for documenting things or communicating with others.

4. Open-Ear Design

Instead of covering your ears with headphones, Google Glass has an open-ear design.

This means you can still hear what’s going on around you while also getting audio notifications and alerts from your glasses.

5. Bluetooth Connectivity and Wif-Fi

Want to listen to music or take calls with your Glass? Just connect it to your headphones or external speakers via Bluetooth. It’s like having a wireless connection to your favorite audio devices!

Stay connected to the internet and other devices wherever you go. Whether you need to access information online or connect to other Bluetooth devices, your Glass has you covered.

6. Enterprise Management and Third-Party App Ecosystem

If you’re using your Glass for work, you’ll love this feature. It supports Android Enterprise Mobile Device Management, which means it’s easy for your company to deploy and manage your glasses securely.

Just like your phone has lots of apps for different things, your Glass does too.

There are apps designed specifically for tasks like field service, logistics, and healthcare, making your glasses even more useful for work.

Google Glass Pros

  • Enterprise focus
  • Affordability
  • Proven track record
  • Focus on functionality

Google Glass Cons

  • Limited features
  • Privacy concerns
  • Uncertain future

Apple Vision Pro vs. Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2: Price Comparison

FeatureApple Vision ProGoogle Glass Enterprise Edition 2
Estimated Price$3,499$999 (base edition) – $1,299 (prescription lenses)
AvailabilityIn the pre-order phase, 180000 units were sold. Release date is 2 February 2024Currently available

Which one is Better for You?

Choosing between Apple Vision Pro and Google Glass ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences.

  • If you prioritize a visually stunning experience with advanced features like eye tracking, hand tracking, and spatial audio, the Apple Vision Pro might be the ideal choice.
  • On the other hand, if you require a robust device designed for enterprise applications with features like on-head detection and a swappable frame design, Google Glass could be the better fit.


In the ever-evolving realm of augmented reality and wearable technology, both Apple Vision Pro and Google Glass showcase the incredible strides made in this field.

Whether you lean towards the futuristic elegance of Apple’s offering or the practicality of Google’s enterprise-focused device, the decision ultimately rests on your specific requirements.

As these tech giants continue to push the boundaries of innovation, the future of AR and wearable tech promises even more exciting possibilities for tech enthusiasts and early adopters alike.



1. Does Google Glass Still Work in 2024?

Technically Yes: If you possess a Google Glass (any edition), it can still function with its basic features, assuming you have compatible apps and a connected device.
Limited Support: However, official support ended in September 2023, meaning no software updates, bug fixes, or security patches. This raises security concerns and potential compatibility issues with newer technologies.

2. Why Did People Not Like Google Glass?

Several factors contributed to the initial rejection of Google Glass:
Privacy Concerns: The ability to record video and capture photos discreetly sparked privacy debates and ethical considerations.
High Price: The first edition cost $1500, making it an expensive and exclusive gadget.
Limited Usefulness: Many found the features unneeded in daily life, while the design raised social acceptance concerns.
Technical Flaws: Battery life, limited app ecosystem, and software glitches impacted user experience.

3. Is the Apple Vision Pro AR or VR?

Apple Vision Pro is an augmented reality (AR) device. AR overlays digital information onto the real world you see through the lenses. In contrast, virtual reality (VR) creates a completely simulated environment, blocking out the real world altogether.

4. Is Samsung Making a Vision Pro?

No, Samsung is not currently making a product called “Vision Pro.” They do have various AR/VR projects and devices under development, but none with that specific name. It’s important to rely on trustworthy sources for information and avoid confusion with unconfirmed rumors.

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