Weekly Report – AR/VR Device’s App Store Has Just 150+ Apps For Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro launch lacks apps from major players like Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube, signaling a lukewarm reception from developers.

Recent App Store data reveals a modest 150+ Apps for Apple Vision Pro explicitly updated for the AR/VR device, a meager portion compared to the vast 1.8 million apps in the store.

This underwhelming response suggests challenges in the adoption of Apple’s new mixed reality headset and virtual reality endeavors.

Market intelligence from Appfigures highlights the subdued enthusiasm among app developers for the Vision Pro, raising questions about its initial traction in the market.

To clarify, the mentioned figure does not represent the total available apps. The Vision Pro theoretically supports iOS and iPad apps unless a developer chooses otherwise.

However, the disclosed number reflects the extent to which companies promptly adapted their apps for the new platform.

Given Apple’s extensive developer base, this count remains relatively modest, signaling a measured response to building for this latest technology.

However, one cannot ignore the adverse sentiment brewing within Apple’s developer community post the fallout from the Epic Games’ antitrust lawsuit against the tech giant.

Despite Apple prevailing in the case with the court ruling against monopoly claims, it mandated modifications to App Store rules.

This required Apple to permit developers to redirect users to alternative avenues for purchasing subscriptions and in-app items through their websites.

Apple complied with the ruling, but its implementation included additional conditions and guidelines.

These stipulations cover who qualifies for this “exception” to App Store rules and the specific language developers must use when implementing the link within their apps.

This developer-unfriendly approach might cast a chilling influence on Apple’s expansive developer community, which had earlier eagerly adopted new Apple platforms despite declining benefits. Notably, the iMessage App Store struggled to gain traction, encountering discoverability hurdles due to its position in the iMessage app drawer.

Similarly, the watchOS App Store witnessed prominent departures post-launch, with Meta, Slack, Uber, and Twitter removing their top apps, indicating potential dissatisfaction with the platform.

Opting not to develop for Apple’s Vision Pro, rivals such as YouTube, Netflix, and Spotify are steering clear of the Cupertino tech giant’s latest platform.

This decision aligns with Apple’s growing competition in the video and music streaming sectors, as it introduces its own services.

Notably, Meta, a producer of its VR headset, has predictably chosen not to create native apps specifically for the Vision Pro, as indicated by Appfigures’ list.

Additionally, reports from MacStories highlight that Meta’s apps are currently not compatible with the Vision Pro.

This doesn’t imply that Vision Pro users won’t have engaging activities at the headset’s launch.

Apple’s Own Apps For Apple Vision Pro

Apple has assured users that the Vision Pro will support downloading and streaming content from a diverse range of platforms, including Disney+, ESPN, MLB, PGA Tour, Max, Discovery+, Amazon Prime Video, Paramount+, Peacock, Pluto TV, Tubi, Fubo, Crunchyroll, Red Bull TV, IMAX, TikTok, and MUBI.

Additionally, users can access Apple’s own apps and familiar ones such as Temu, Uber/Uber Eats, Tinder, Notion, CNN, Washington Post, Reddit, Discord, and more.

Furthermore, Appfigures discloses several notable brands and popular apps explicitly designed for Vision Pro, encompassing Box, Carrot Weather, Webex, Zoom, Fantastical, and more.

However, it’s noteworthy that many of these apps may not be widely recognized household names.

Numerous others have chosen not to participate, indicating they lack the “compatible” designation, as per information from Appfigures.

This list encompasses apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, TikTok, Spotify, YouTube, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Meet, Chrome, Google Home, Roku, Pandora, DoorDash, Amazon, Candy Crush, Bumble, Nike, Nest, and many others.

It’s important to note that this status may evolve over time.

Apple assured developers that their current iPhone and iPad applications would be automatically accessible to Vision Pro users unless the developer modifies their apps’ availability in App Store Connect.

This seamless integration is achievable because Vision Pro apps operate natively and “utilize the same frameworks, resources, and runtime environment as they do on iOS and iPadOS,” as clarified in an Apple support document.

In all likelihood, numerous app developers are opting to permit the seamless transition of their existing apps until the Vision Pro amasses a substantial user base, justifying the additional focus.

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