Is Apple Vision Pro Bad For Your Eyes? Navigating the Risks

In today’s digital age, we are constantly exposed to screens, whether it’s on our smartphones, tablets, computers, or even smartwatches.

With the increasing use of digital devices, concerns about eye health have grown.

Apple’s introduction of the Vision Pro technology has sparked a debate about its impact on eye health. One of the pressing questions is: Is Apple Vision Pro bad for your eyes?

Let’s explore the potential impact of such technologies on eye health.

Is Apple Vision Pro Bad for Your Eyes?

Yes, Apple Vision Pro is safe for the eyes.

It, like many other Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality (VR/AR) devices, adversely affects eye health only if used excessively, exceeding 10 hours a day.

Extended use of digital devices, coupled with poor viewing habits and inadequate lighting, can contribute to the development of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

1. Visual Comfort in AR Technology

As AR devices become more integrated into daily activities, ensuring a comfortable visual experience is essential.

  • Natural Viewing Experience: Augmented Reality (AR) tends to mimic the way we view the real world, potentially reducing eye strain compared to traditional screens.
  • Focus Flexibility: AR systems can create images at different focal lengths, which can be less straining than staring at a fixed-distance screen.

2. Measures to Mitigate Eye Strain

With more pixels than a 4K TV for each eye, the Apple Vision Pro has sparked worries about the potential impact of blue light exposure, there are several measures that you can take to reduce eye strain and related issues.

These include:

  • Adjusting Display Settings: You can optimize the display settings on Apple devices to reduce brightness. You can also enable features such as Night Shift mode, which reduces blue light emission during evening hours.
  • Taking Breaks: Implementing the 20-20-20 rule, which entails looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes, can provide much-needed rest for the eyes.
  • Proper Lighting and Ergonomics: Ensuring adequate lighting and using ergonomic accessories such as adjustable stands, can contribute to a more comfortable viewing experience.
A man wearing a VR headset and is smiling. He is also wearing a blue shirt

3. Apple’s Approach To Addressing Blue Light

In response to the concerns surrounding blue light emission, Apple has incorporated features such as Night Shift mode into its devices.

This feature adjusts the color temperature of the display to reduce blue light emission.

While Night Shift mode offers a proactive approach to mitigating blue light exposure, its effectiveness may vary across people, and additional measures may be necessary to address the effects of blue light on eye health.

4. Complementary Products and Accessories

Apple has expanded its product lineup to include accessories and features aimed at addressing these concerns.

For instance, Apple offers blue light filtering eyewear, such as the Apple Pro Display XDR with nano-texture glass, which incorporates a matte finish to reduce glare and minimize reflections, easing strain on the eyes during use.

Moreover, there are third-party accessories and applications available that provide additional blue light filtering and screen dimming functionalities, allowing you to customize your viewing experience.

5. Creating Awareness

Encouraging you to strike a balance between digital device usage and other activities, such as outdoor pursuits, physical exercise, and social interactions, can contribute to overall well-being and reduce the strain on the eyes.

Features that track screen time and provide usage insights can prompt you to reflect on your device habits and make informed choices about your screen exposure.

Source: Dr. Glaukomflecken YT Chanel

Eye Comfort: Apple Vision Pro vs. Meta Quest Pro vs. HoloLens 2

Check out this comprehensive analysis of how the latest technologies can affect your eye health.

Feature/AspectApple Vision Pro Meta Quest (Oculus)Microsoft HoloLens 2
Type of DeviceVR/ARVRAR
Display Technology23 million pixels
OLED/LCDWaveguide Displays
Resolution23 million pixels1832 x 1920 per eye2k 3:2 light engines
Refresh Rate100Hz72Hz, 90Hz120Hz
Field of ViewLess due to the natural overlayApprox. 90 degrees52 degrees
Eye StrainPossible in long sessionsPossible in long sessionsLess due to the natural overlay
Focal AdjustmentUnknown FixedMultiple focal planes
Inter-Pupillary Distance Adjustment51–75 mm, adjustableAdjustable IPDFixed IPD


In conclusion, the impact of Apple’s Vision Pro technology on your eyes ultimately depends on how it is used and for how long.

While the blue light emitted by screens can contribute to eyestrain and sleep disruption, Apple’s efforts to incorporate features like Night Shift mode and True Tone display aim to reduce these effects.

Ultimately, the decision to use Apple’s Vision Pro technology should be informed by personal comfort and well-being, and you should consider taking proactive steps to ensure healthy screen usage.

Is Apple Vision Pro Bad For Your Eyes?


1. Does Apple Vision Pro affect your eyesight?

A very small number of people who use readers might experience vision discomfort such as eye strain or blurriness in Apple Vision Pro.

2. Is 8 hours of screen time bad?

Yes, 8 hours is a long time and it can harm your health. Spending long hours staring at a screen takes a toll on your body, especially your eyes.

3. Does the True Tone feature of Apple’s Vision Pro affect eye health?

True Tone can make the display appear more natural and reduce the strain on the eyes. There is no evidence to suggest that True Tone negatively affects eye health.

4. Is the Night Shift feature of Apple’s Vision Pro harmful to the eyes?

Blue light exposure has been linked to potential disruption of sleep patterns, but there is no conclusive evidence that Night Shift is harmful to the eyes.

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