First Full-Length Review Of The Apple Vision Pro Were Published Today

Ahead of its imminent U.S. launch, the Apple Vision Pro has garnered attention through early reviews, providing insights into various facets of the spatial computing headset.

Review Of The Apple Vision Pro: Battery Life

Apple claims the Vision Pro offers up to two hours of battery life, with 2.5 hours specifically for 2D video playback. Impressively, Brian Tong reported nearly 2.5 hours of general usage, even managing to watch the three-hour movie Avengers: Endgame on a single charge.

John Gruber from Daring Fireball consistently experienced at least three hours of battery life without specifying particular use cases.

These findings suggest the Vision Pro might exceed Apple’s advertised battery life by approximately 30 minutes per charge, though individual experiences may vary.

Home Screen: Alphabetical Organization and Limited Customization

Third-party apps on visionOS are alphabetically listed on the second page of the Home Screen, lacking the customization options available on the iPhone and iPad. Apps cannot be reordered or organized into folders.

Reviewers note that third-party apps on visionOS are alphabetically listed on the second page of the Home Screen, lacking the customization options available on the iPhone and iPad.

Apps cannot be reordered or organized into folders.

Notably, websites cannot be added to the Home Screen via Safari, potentially impacting the accessibility of popular services like YouTube and Spotify. Future visionOS updates may address these limitations.

Personas and EyeSight: Beta Features with Room for Improvement

The Vision Pro introduces “Personas,” digital representations of users during video calls. These Personas aim to reflect facial expressions and hand movements in real-time. However, the beta feature received mixed reviews.

The Vision Pro introduces “Personas,” digital representations of users during video calls. These Personas aim to reflect facial expressions and hand movements in real-time. However, the beta feature received mixed reviews.

The Wall Street Journal’s Joanna Stern shared candid feedback, highlighting the uncanny and distracting nature of the 3D persona system. The outer display feature, EyeSight, displaying digital recreations of users’ eyes, also faced criticism on social media. It appears Apple has work ahead to refine these features.

Mac Virtual Display: A Glimpse into the Future of Workspaces

Reviewers expressed enthusiasm for using the Vision Pro as an external display for a Mac. CNET’s Scott Stein praised the device for providing an immersive virtual workspace, envisioning a future with a desk composed solely of floating monitors.

Reviewers expressed enthusiasm for using the Vision Pro as an external display for a Mac.

CNET’s Scott Stein praised the device for providing an immersive virtual workspace, envisioning a future with a desk composed solely of floating monitors. However, he cautioned about potential eye strain when transitioning between the virtual and physical workspace.

Tom’s Guide’s Mark Spoonauer highlighted the seamless integration of Mac desktops into the Vision Pro, offering a crystal-clear 4K display. Despite some glitches and adjustment challenges, the consensus is optimistic about the potential of the Vision Pro as a portable work companion.

Conclusion: An Evolving Vision

As the Vision Pro prepares for its official release, these early reviews offer a glimpse into its capabilities and areas for improvement. Stay tuned for more comprehensive insights and user experiences as the Vision Pro makes its debut in the hands of consumers.

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